Sound is all around us, all the time. Everything you can imagine has vibration & that vibration emits a frequency that can shape & transmit energy.

Noise is all around us too. Noise can sometimes be regarded as dissonant vibration. Emitting a frequency that can alter our energy & form.

Where sound (even silence is sound) is resonant. Supporting our bodies, minds & energy fields to balance.

Sound creates a state in our bodies & brains which invite us to relax. Thus relieving tension (muscle & mind) fatigue & other disorders.

Because our lives are filled with the noises of everyday life both inside our homes & outside, in such a broad spectrum of frequencies that it's a wonder that any of us are sane & healthy. We are bombarded by a cacophony of noise. Buzzing, sirens, machines, traffic & more.

The antidote?

Incorporating more sound therapy into your life. A simple way is to get yourself deep into nature.

Or fine tune yourself and your cells with regular sound healing via Alchemy Crystal bowls.

Crystal singing bowls are relatively new to the sound healing world. Only around 20 years old. Yet they're very powerful at shifting our vibration.

They are made from quartz crystals, minerals & precious stones, heated, formed & then tuned to various tones.

A session can influence our emotional bodies as well as our physical bodies by regulating our central nervous systems.

Simply by listening to the alchemy crystal bowls one is transported to a deep state of relaxation.