Stacy & Seth have been practicing the art of yoga, meditation, mindful communication and careful listening for over 35 years . We've both learned to stay grateful & connected through all the changes & challenges that life brings to us. The Art of Partnering has been a blessing that continues to unfold as we move into the unknown together.

Stacy Anuttara Newfeld E-RYT, Reiki Level II, Sound Meditation Guide & Educator

My classes are an offering of the heart. A place where weaving breath into conscious movement allow room to find ease so the mind can land & you can drop into a state of grace & strength. Practice is not a means to an end but rather a journey that keeps changing & evolving. 

In 1991 I was introduced to Siddha Yoga Meditation with Gurumayi Chidvilasananda. Diving deeply into meditation, chanting & devotion. Hatha yoga trainings came much later, and thru the Iyengar tradition. I taught in both Manhattan & South Fallsburg Siddha Yoga ashrams. A few years & gorgeous twin daughters later I focused on teaching children & families. Teaching yoga became full time. I’ve certifications from many luminaries both eastern & western. Including Next Generation Yoga for Kids, Asana & Pranayama from The Integral Yoga Institute, Samudra School of Yoga (Shiva Rea) & The Art of Attention (Elena Brower). Certified in Usui Reiki II & 150 hours of Ayurvedic study with Yogini mystic Shambhavi Chopra & Pandit Dr. David (Vamadeva) Frawley.

In 2013 I fell in love with sound healing. Specifically alchemy crystal bowls. Magic ‘struck’ in my own practice & I felt a deepening need to share them with my students. While improvising during savasana Alchemy Crystal Sound Meditations were born & continue to guide many to inner states of deep relaxation. I’m a Certified Level IV Sound Healing Practitioner with The Center of Light Institute in Chester Vermont.

Seth Gopati Newfeld RYT

I completed my 200 hr yoga/meditation training with The Integral Yoga Institute in 2009, 18 years after being introduced to Yoga by my root teacher, Gurumayi Chidvilasanada. I draw upon my unique life experiences as a yogi, actor, son, father, husband, brother and friend, living life from a sense of humor and a grateful heart.

I've taught yoga and meditation in various studios in NJ, including schools in Newark with the non-profit Newark Yoga movement. Focusing on working with the men’s community, began with David Harshada Wagner, being one of the first graduates of Wagners' Wildman University Men's Mentor training. A program designed to teach modern men how to be deeply happy, helping them to identify their true purpose and set them on the road to living their vision.

My influences include Shiva Rea & Demetri Velisarius who, in partnership with Shiva developed PranaDanda Yoga, "an empowering and fluid way to center the mind and awaken the energetic spine (inner danda) by engaging with a specially designed 5 foot staff".   

Although I've been recently diagnosed with early onset dementia (which effects my ability to formulate words & certain memory recall) Through this challenge I’m finding new ways to communicate & continue to live each day filled with hope & gratitude.

My Children’s Book, The Rainbow Twins and the Great Golden Bird is PUBLISHED! You can purchase it on AMAZON, B&N and other on-line book sellers